RE:SOURCE: "Media Art and Surveillance Technology, a history of hybridization"

 En septiembre de 2023 participamos en  RE:SOURCE, conferencia internacional sobre Media Art, Ciencia y Tecnología. Hace pocos días nos ha llegado el contenido de las conferencias.

Si os interesa, podéis acceder a la mía en las páginas 38-43: Media Art and Surveillance Technology, a History of Hybridization. 



In the context of the 21st century, especially following various conflicts and the consequences of the 9/11 attacks, control systems in both physical and virtual spaces have been strengthened. Additionally, since the pandemic, paradigm shifts related to the power strategies of the big tech companies have accelerated.

Critical media art concerning control, which has its roots in the late 1960s and 1970s, has experienced the consequences of all these changes. Well-known video artists like Nauman or Graham show a special interest in confronting and offering their personal perspectives on the real consequences, methodologies, and new uses of technological tracking and surveillance systems. Pioneers of net art denounce the technification of tracking and its impact on privacy. Figures like Muntadas and Julia Sher are prominent examples of artists who clearly describe the ambivalence of the network.

Despite some renowned artists such as Trevor Paglen or Paolo Cirio successfully exhibiting their pieces with great critical and public acclaim, we are interested in analysing whether, among other factors, the control exerted over tools and dissemination systems hinders the exhibition of works that present strong critical content about the imposed methodologiesand attitudes adopted by individuals.

Espero que sea de vuestro interés.

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